On several occasions in my adult life, I have suffered back problems. The back problems have been severe enough, that I would have to crawl on the floor to get to a chair or table to help me stand. Being active all my life, I am not sure if it was football or competitive weight lifting or a combination of both that would lead to the diagnosis of a bulging disc in my lower back. Acupuncture , massage therapy , chiropractic, stretching are some … [Read more...]
Note from Sifu Wayde
After months of writing and organizing the Wing Chun Combatives website, it is finally a reality. Many thanks to good friends that have contributed and will continue to contribute with their skill and knowledge. It is my hope that not only novices will come and contribute to the website, but people of other arts who can appreciate the concepts of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Rather than arguing whose art is best, I think it is better to find common ground … [Read more...]