FROM BEHIND THE TANGLED SILK CURTAIN - Revised 2020 by John F … [Read more...]
Wing Chun Combatives Instructor Program
Wing Chun Combatives is offering a new instructors program for people who have a interest in teaching the L I Siu Lim Tao level. This program was designed for people who are interested in incorporating Wing Chun Combatives in their existing program or starting a branch school . More details of this new program and other programs in development coming soon. All inquiries please e-mail : [email protected] … [Read more...]
Wing Chun and Body Conditioning
It is inherent in Wing Chun Kung Fu after hours of training , that the forearms become desensitized. Hundreds of punches thrown, received by hundreds of blocks can create a almost indestructible arm. In Thai boxing training the shins against banana trees and absorbing countless kicks with the thighs , develop an unbelievable resistance to pain. One aspect of training which is neglected by most self defense practitioners is the way of body … [Read more...]
Does Wing Chun Kung Fu have any Kicks ?
Yes, Wing Chun Kung Fu has efficient kicks that can be delivered with as much devastation as any other art. The foundation of the kicks are found in the Wing Chun stance. In the basic toes in stance, the practitioner is trained to be balanced with either leg. The simple side kick usually takes aim at the closest target, which could be the knee or shin. A straight kick could be delivered to the knee or timing the inside thigh of a … [Read more...]
What is the Science behind the Wing Chun Punch ?
What is the science and mechanics of the Wing Chun Punch? The typical Wing Chun punch is delivered from the centerline in rapid "Chain Punches". For example when one punch is delivered,in rapid succession it is replaced in an instant by several other punches to the same target. By focusing on a target , more damage can be done instead of hitting without a purpose. The fist is vertical the arm is extended and shoulders are packed and not … [Read more...]
What Is So Good About The Wing Chun Stance?
What is so good about the Wing Chun Stance? I believe the people who don't understand the stance, don't appreciate how simple and sophisticated the stance is. It is always difficult for me talk certain Wing Chun concepts without mentioning Wong Shun Leung. In Sifu David Peterson`s book , Look Beyond The Pointing Finger, Wong states,"Although Strong in structure, the stance is not rigid as some people believe,but extremely flexible when … [Read more...]
What Is Different About Wing Chun?
What makes Wing Chun different is the logic of the system. If one is not true to the concepts of simplicity and efficiency , it would be a challenge to excel in Wing Chun. While many styles pride themselves on a multitude of techniques, Wing Chun strives to streamline and to eliminate the unessential. While others strive to be harder, Wing Chun is concerned with being softer in order to be sensitive to a assailants intentions. There are many … [Read more...]
Wing Chun Short Sword Workshop – 3 Year Cycle
BAHT CHAM DO (Wing Chun's Short Swords) INSTRUCTION WILL START ON SUNDAY 1/18 AT 4PM. The first couple of practices will be at the Blaisdell Park on the Aiea/Pearl City border - on the edge of Pearl Harbor's waters (across from the Burger King). It has been a long three years since the last WC sword wokshop and the the next will be in 2018. Cost is $20 per session and $30 if you intend to video the practice - Chief instructors are … [Read more...]
Wing Chun Full Contact With the Bullet Man
Sifu Wayde's "Full Contact" Training, featuring an almost fully padded gear. The goal is to allow the Wing Chun students to get a feel of how it is to really strike someone. See more videos. … [Read more...]
Wing Chun Cinema
In the late 70s and early 80s , Honolulu, Hawaii had three Theaters to watch Chinese Martial Arts Movies. We saw movies at The Empress , which feature primarily Shaw Brothers movies, Golden Harvest, which had well , Golden Harvest Productions and Liberty, which showed everything else. I remember the only 2 Wing Chun Movies that we saw as a class, was ,"The Prodigal Son", which told the story of "Leung Jan" and "Warriors 2 ", which told t about … [Read more...]