A Documentary by Shambhala Studio
In early 2020 a exciting new documentary from Laurence Brahm of Shambhala Studio , “Searching for Kung Fu”, will be released. After receiving Highly Acclaimed praise for previous documentaries, “Searching for Shangri-la ,”Shambhala Sutra” and “Searching for the Lotus~Born Master”, Laurence Brahm takes us into the essence of Kung Fu and how it is practiced and influences areas in lives of people from all around the world.
About Laurence Brahm
Laurence Brahm is a International crisis mediation lawyer and developmental economist , a founder of the Himalayan Consensus Institute dedicated to multi-lateral dialogue on climate change and community resilience. He also founded Shambhala Serai, featured in Forbes Magazine and recognized by the Pontifical Council for Peace and Justice, as exemplifying successful social entrepreneurship at the 2016 Vatican Impact Investing Conference. In 2015 Iceland’s President Qafur Ragnar Grissom invited him to serve on the Himalaya-Thilrd Pole Circle, a panel forming policy responses to facial melt caused by climate change. Read Full Bio.
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