I find it funny that many of the lessons that I learned in martial arts came from my years of competing at Olympic weightlifting. Although I was far from the best, many people who surrounded me where Masters in their own right. Olympic Champions, World Champions and National Champions ,what a great impression it all made on me. To clean the weight means to approach the bar, squat down with two arms gripping the bar, keeping your back tight , … [Read more...]
Note from Sifu Wayde
After months of writing and organizing the Wing Chun Combatives website, it is finally a reality. Many thanks to good friends that have contributed and will continue to contribute with their skill and knowledge. It is my hope that not only novices will come and contribute to the website, but people of other arts who can appreciate the concepts of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Rather than arguing whose art is best, I think it is better to find common ground … [Read more...]