In the previous installments, I have introduced inner and outer heart shaped swings. The lead up movements to the swings were simple straight arm swings that travelled on the same pathway. All of the traditional club swings are done working the upper body. I will introduce combination moves that utilize lower body movements, thus creating an opportunity for total body work. A quote from the ” Art of War” states ” When the officers are too strong and the common soldiers too weak, the result is collapse.” If your upper body is strong, but it is carried on a weak or unworked lower body, the movements will not be as strong or stable. A biblical analogy would be the one in Matthew where it is said that a house build on rock will not collapse when the wind and rain come. Both a given in their own context but are used to bring home the point that you must develop the lower body as well as the upper body.
Instead of a written instructional, this installment would provide a visual.
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